Panasonic WV-ASE231 i-PRO Extension Software
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Feature Panasonic WV-ASE231 i-PRO Extension Software :
- To use the WV-ASF900, WV-ASM970 or WV-ASM200 with extension software WV-ASE231 is required.
- Extension Software for Facial Recognition Analytics Platform (WV-ASF900)
- Face Matching / Face Search / People counting results display on WV-ASM970 / WV-ASM200 screen
- i-VMD (Intelligent Video Motion Detection) tracking path display on WV-ASM970 / WV-ASM200 screen
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Feature Panasonic WV-ASE231 i-PRO Extension Software :
- To use the WV-ASF900, WV-ASM970 or WV-ASM200 with extension software WV-ASE231 is required.
- Extension Software for Facial Recognition Analytics Platform (WV-ASF900)
- Face Matching / Face Search / People counting results display on WV-ASM970 / WV-ASM200 screen
- i-VMD (Intelligent Video Motion Detection) tracking path display on WV-ASM970 / WV-ASM200 screen
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Tags: aksesoris, aksesoris cctv, cctv, cctv aksesoris