Panasonic WV-ASF900 i-PRO Face Recognition System
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Spesifikasi Panasonic WV-ASF900 i-PRO Face Recognition System :
- Face Matching Speed : At 1 second in 1,000 registered faces *From receiving the face thumbnail to matching in face matching server.
- Max. Number of Face in Matching list : Up to 1,000 face *Matching accuracy depends on a number of registered person, quality of the face image and environments.
- Max. Number of Face detect Camera : 10 cameras is suitable, up to 20 cameras per 1 face matching server. *Deploying plural face servers in a system is acceptable.
- Max. Number of Face history : Up to 10 million items
- Max. number of client PC that can be linked with the alarm : WV-ASC970/ WV-ASM970 : 64 WV-ASM200 : 4
- File extension of registered face image for import : BMP, JPG, PNG
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Spesifikasi Panasonic WV-ASF900 i-PRO Face Recognition System :
- Face Matching Speed : At 1 second in 1,000 registered faces *From receiving the face thumbnail to matching in face matching server.
- Max. Number of Face in Matching list : Up to 1,000 face *Matching accuracy depends on a number of registered person, quality of the face image and environments.
- Max. Number of Face detect Camera : 10 cameras is suitable, up to 20 cameras per 1 face matching server. *Deploying plural face servers in a system is acceptable.
- Max. Number of Face history : Up to 10 million items
- Max. number of client PC that can be linked with the alarm : WV-ASC970/ WV-ASM970 : 64 WV-ASM200 : 4
- File extension of registered face image for import : BMP, JPG, PNG
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