Panasonic WV-ASM200W Security Camera Software Key
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Product Highlights Panasonic WV-ASM200W Security Camera Software Key :
- For multi-recorder multi-site system
- Supports 16:9 video stream and 16:9 HD monitor
- Displays 16:9 and 4:3 videos from IP cameras on the same screen
- H.264 recording data in the SD / SDHC memory card can be downloaded
- Convert file format from n3r (proprietary format) to MP4
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Product Highlights Panasonic WV-ASM200W Security Camera Software Key :
- For multi-recorder multi-site system
- Supports 16:9 video stream and 16:9 HD monitor
- Displays 16:9 and 4:3 videos from IP cameras on the same screen
- H.264 recording data in the SD / SDHC memory card can be downloaded
- Convert file format from n3r (proprietary format) to MP4
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Tags: aksesoris, aksesoris cctv, cctv, cctv aksesoris