Panasonic WJNVF20E Additional Business Intelligence Kit
Our Price
Spesifikasi Panasonic WJNVF20E Additional Business Intelligence Kit :
- Marketing software for LAN/WAN IP solutions
- People counting Age and Gender judgement
- Upgrade total performance of WJ-NV200
- Three months free trial version
- Data to be exported to CSV file
Ready to Ship
Spesifikasi Panasonic WJNVF20E Additional Business Intelligence Kit :
- Marketing software for LAN/WAN IP solutions
- People counting Age and Gender judgement
- Upgrade total performance of WJ-NV200
- Three months free trial version
- Data to be exported to CSV file
CCTVonline24 menyediakan Aksesoris lain-lain dengan harga terjangkau, kualitas terbaik, bergaransi dan terpercaya. Untuk pemesanan Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 021-2256 6665 atau WA 0895 1888 1777 / WA 0896 1888 1777.
Tags: aksesoris, aksesoris cctv, cctv, cctv aksesoris