Panasonic WJ-SX650U/G Matrix System
Our Price
Spesifikasi Panasonic WJ-SX650U/G Matrix System :
- Power Source: 220 V to 240 V AC, 50 Hz
- Power Consumption: 60 W
- Ambient Operating Temperature: –10 °C to +50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F}*1
- Ambient Operating Humidity: Less than 90 %
- Expansion slot: x 3
- Dimensions: 420 mm (W) X 265 mm (H) X 372 mm (D) {16-9/16″ (W) X 10-2/5″ (H) X 14-3/5″ (D)} (excluding rubber feet and projections)
- Weight: 18.0 kg {40 lbs.}
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Spesifikasi Panasonic WJ-SX650U/G Matrix System :
- Power Source: 220 V to 240 V AC, 50 Hz
- Power Consumption: 60 W
- Ambient Operating Temperature: –10 °C to +50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F}*1
- Ambient Operating Humidity: Less than 90 %
- Expansion slot: x 3
- Dimensions: 420 mm (W) X 265 mm (H) X 372 mm (D) {16-9/16″ (W) X 10-2/5″ (H) X 14-3/5″ (D)} (excluding rubber feet and projections)
- Weight: 18.0 kg {40 lbs.}
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