Panasonic WJ-NVE30W 8-Camera License Expansion Kit for WJ-NV300
Our Price
Spesifikasi Panasonic WJ-NVE30W 8-Camera License Expansion Kit for WJ-NV300 :
- 8-Camera License Expansion Kit
- Expanding the number of connectable cameras
- Allows for 8 more cameras to be connected to the WJ-NV300 Network Video Recorder
Ready to Ship
Spesifikasi Panasonic WJ-NVE30W 8-Camera License Expansion Kit for WJ-NV300 :
- 8-Camera License Expansion Kit
- Expanding the number of connectable cameras
- Allows for 8 more cameras to be connected to the WJ-NV300 Network Video Recorder
CCTVonline24 menyediakan Aksesoris lain-lain dengan harga terjangkau, kualitas terbaik, bergaransi dan terpercaya. Untuk pemesanan Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 021-2256 6665 atau WA 0895 1888 1777 / WA 0896 1888 1777.
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